
Responsibility to Stakeholders

Human Resources Development

Approach to Human Resources Management

Sony Financial Group regards human resources management as one of the most significant challenges for management, in order to accomplish sustainable corporate growth in this dramatically-changing business environment, with demographic changes and the rapid progress of technological innovation. Sony Financial Group strives to foster an organizational culture that supports a spirit of freedom and open-mindedness, and create an organizational structure where diverse, self-disciplined employees can actively work with motivation. It believes that the personal growth of each employee enables the development and provision of products and services that meet the increasingly diverse needs of society, and will contribute to stakeholders and lead to sustainable growth for Sony Financial Group. In addition, Sony Financial Group facilitates personnel exchanges and joint training among Group companies to create synergies for the Group.

Initiatives for Creating an Organization in Which Employees Play an Active Role (Enhanced Engagement)

Sony Financial Group conducts an Employee Engagement Survey every year. Level of awareness by and opinions of employees are gathered, and characteristics of each of the companies, differences among the companies in awareness, and issues facing the group overall are identified. It also works to enhance engagement by each and every employee and become stronger as an organization by using continuous dialogue between employees and management to analyze causes and to formulate, implement, and review improvement measures.

Results of the Employee Engagement Survey
FY2021 FY2022
Rate of participation 92% 95%
Engagement index* 88% 90%
Vision & Values-rate of penetration
Level of recognition* 85%
Extent of practice* 77%

* Percentage of employees responding other than unfavorably in the employee engagement survey.

Initiatives for Human Resource Development

Sony Financial Group has more than 12,000 employees who are actively working in various business domains such as life insurance, non-life insurance, banking, and nursing care and others. Each Group company has established an education and training system from a medium- to long-term perspective, in order to support employee personal growth and career development, and provides compulsory training programs according to job type and position level, as well as elective training programs for skills enhancement and personal development, and others. To strengthen Group-wide human resources development, SFG2030! was launched in 2022 as a training program across the Group aiming to develop leaders who can go beyond the frameworks of businesses and functions to pave the way and lead Sony Financial Group into the future. In addition, Sony Financial Group participates in leadership training programs, including female leadership training programs, and technical exchange meetings are provided for Sony Group employees. In this manner, Sony Financial Group works on human resource development, including expanding perspectives, self-transformation and personal network building, through collaboration with Sony Group.

Status of human resources development investment
No. of training programs 315 courses
No. of times implemented 804 times
No. of participants (total) 16,150  people
Total no. of lecture hours 116,076  hours
Human resources development investment amount 344.78 million yen
Example of Initiatives at Sony Life

Lifeplanner sales specialists at Sony Life, who account for nearly half of the employees of Sony Financial Group, take a three-year B.T.P. (Basic Training Program) to develop the customer-first attitude and knowledge, skills and conduct required of a professional Lifeplanner sales specialists. This B.T.P. provides education aiming for employees to listen to the cherished thoughts in the lives of their customers, propose reasonable life insurance to safely protect them in time of need, and provide life-long support through high-quality services, even after the contract has been executed. We will also nurture Lifeplanner sales specialists to possess high financial literacy so as to reassure customers with their financial worries through total life planning in the age of 100-year life expectancy. In terms of recruitment, we will work to increase the quality of our new employees through strict selection of recruits by strengthening the recruitment process. In addition to such initiatives, we are incorporating e-learning to provide an environment for continual learning, and monitoring the educational and training environment at branch offices to strengthen and enhance education and training of Lifeplanner sales specialists overall.

Example of Initiatives at Sony Assurance

At Sony Assurance, we have established an inter-workplace exchange program, where employees limited to specific areas can apply, in response to internal job application, to be transferred to another area temporarily, and an in-house job challenge program, where employees can apply to be transferred to another division. By providing employees with experience at new workplaces, we aim to increase their career awareness and motivation, and to revitalize the divisions that receive them through personnel exchange.

Example of Initiatives at Sony Bank

At Sony Bank, “self-disciplined and self-directed” is a key principle of human resource development where employees aim to step up one level in mission grade, and the company as a whole assists employee growth through motivation and support from superiors and others, as well as through team development. Specific measures include strengthening of management capabilities, increase in planned transfers, communication on a regular basis between each division and the Human Resources Department, implementation of training interviews, as well as the introduction of an internal job placement system and career training to give employees a chance to expand their careers. Online mission grade specific training and learning tools were introduced, in addition to newly created project management training and AI literacy training to expand and strengthen opportunities in DX, IT, and AI allowing employees to gain experience with, learn about, and put technologies into practical use. A next-generation management development program is also being put in place that includes selective training to improve an employee’s management capabilities and training for personnel in managerial positions which focuses on networking and gaining a wider perspective to strengthen organizational strategy skills.

Initiatives Regarding Diversity

Sony Financial Group places significant emphasis on a spirit of diversity, to better address diverse customer value perceptions and needs as well as various changes in the environment, and to generate new value. Based on this approach, Sony Financial Group is promoting the following initiatives to develop a workplace environment in which diversity is respected and every employee can actively work with motivation, as well as to create opportunities for employees’ personal growth.

1. Initiatives to promote women’s empowerment

Today, more people with diverse backgrounds take part in society, and the customer base requiring insurance and asset building to prepare for the projected 100-year life span is growing. Hence, the need for various products and services provided by a variety of human resources is ever more increasing. Consultation needs to be provided by female Lifeplanner sales specialists and product development needs to take into account female employees’ opinions.
To meet such need, Sony Financial Group is focusing on increasing the percentage of female employees, Lifeplanner sales specialists , and employees in management positions. A target for the percentage of females in management positions has been set at 18% for the end of FY2025 for Sony Financial Group, its three main subsidiaries (for Sony Life, only head office employees are included), and three nursing care business companies (hereinafter, “applicable Group companies”). Specific action plans were established for the three major companies of the Group, and efforts are being made for the active participation of women.
As a measure to create an environment to empower women, training is provided not only to female employees but also to male employees, including those in management positions. Specific measures include career-design training for young female employees, discussion and orientation sessions for employees returning to work after childcare leave (both male and female employees), and leadership training for female leaders/managers. We also provide management training for the superiors of female employees, with the aim of raising awareness and gaining their understanding regarding the career development of female employees. We will continue to promote the establishment of a work environment for the empowerment of diverse human resources.

Percentage of female workers in management positions
Actual at end of FY2022 Target for end of FY2025
14.9% 18.0%
Percentage of female Assistant Managers
Actual at end of FY2022 25.3 %

* Percentages derived by obtaining totals for the target number for the percentages of females in management positions at the end of FY2025 and the actual figures at the end of FY2022, for applicable Group companies, stipulated in the general employer action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64 of 2015).

Difference in wages between male and female workers
Actual as of March 31, 2023
All workers 46.5 %
Regular employees only 60.1 %
Part-time and fixed-term workers only 27.0 %

* Difference in wages between male and female workers are expressed by figures reflecting number of female managers and wages of female workers as percentages (rounded to the second decimal place and shown to the first decimal place) when the number of male managers and wages of male workers are assumed to be 100%.

2. Initiatives to support employees to continue working

Sony Financial Group is committed to a goal that 100% of male employees in applicable Group companies would take childcare leave by the end of FY2025 to promote employee participation in childcare. To ensure that employees raising children can continue working, childcare leave, special leave, reduced working hours and other in-house programs were established. As main initiatives by each Group company, various types of support are provided depending on each employee’s job particularities and personal situation, such as allowing work primarily via telecommuting or allowing leave of absence when work becomes difficult due to the need to provide nursing care for a family member, or transfer of their spouse to a remote location. In addition, even in cases where employees must leave work due to uncontrollable circumstances, a re-employment program is available to support a career restart if there is a change in life plans. The Group will continue to provide the environment and support necessary to employees with diverse backgrounds to harmoniously blend and balance their lives and career.

Percentage of participation by male workers in taking childcare leave
Actual at end of FY2022 Target for end of FY2025
74% 100%

* For the percentages of total number of employees that took childcare leave as stipulated in Article 71-4, item (ii) of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members (Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor No. 25 of 1991) based on the provisions of the Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members (Act No. 76 of 1991), and those who made use of the childcare leave system, the percentages are derived by obtaining totals for the target at the end of FY2025 and the actual figures for end of FY2022 for applicable Group companies.

Percentage of workers returning to work after childcare leave
Men  100%
Women  92.2%
Total  95.7%
3. Initiatives to promote the active participation of people with disabilities

Sony Financial Group has been actively promoting not only diversity with regard to gender, but the employment of people with disabilities, and such employees are actively working in various fields.

Percentage of employees with disabilities
FY2021 FY2022
2.29% 2.35%

* Including the special subsidiary

Example of Initiatives at Sony Life

Sony Life, and its special subsidiary Sony Life Business Partners, promote an inclusive work environment for people with disabilities where they can thrive in their unique ways.
Sony Life Business Partners was established in March 2019 as a special subsidiary to Sony Life. As the number of regular employees at Sony Life continues to increase, people with disabilities are being employed and the fields where they feel safe playing an active role are being expanded at Sony Life Business Partners. By assigning individuals, most with mental, developmental, or intellectual disabilities, to office work and general affairs work, Sony Life Business Partners strive to create employment opportunities where the individuals can contribute to society by performing high-quality work independently and with self-discipline.

Sony Life Business Partners:
Employees engaged in data entry at a
communal working desk
4. Initiatives for LGBTQ+

the logo og The PRIDE index

Sony Financial Group is promoting the establishment, according to actual conditions, of an environment where LGBTQ+* employees can be themselves and work with peace of mind. We are taking into consideration not only developing human resource systems but also an infrastructure, and operating programs for transgender employees and employees with same-sex partners.
Awareness is also being raised through compulsory training providing information on SOGI**not only for LGBTQ+ employees but for all employees, with individualized training offered to employees who wish to learn more in depth. As a result of these efforts, we have recieved Gold certification in the "PRIDE Index 2023", an evaluation index for initiatives for LGBTQ+ in the workplace, developed by the Japanese general incorporated association work with Pride.
Sony Group also provides a network for ally employees who wish to actively support LGBTQ+ employees, with distribution of email newsletters and opportunities provided to participate in the planning and operation of LGBTQ+-related events.

* LGBTQ+: Acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexuality, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, plus other sexual identities (+). A widely used expression for individuals who do not identify as being straight (heterosexual) and cisgender (identity aligning with same gender assigned at birth).
** Acronym for Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity.

Sony Financial Group is taking the following specific initiatives.

Handling of matters for employees with same-sex partners in the same way as common-law marriages for heterosexual couples

  • Handling of congratulatory and condolence matters for employees with same-sex partners
  • Use of childcare and nursing care leave systems, etc.
Reasonable consideration of transgender employees
  • Use of chosen names
  • Installation of multi-purpose restrooms, etc.
Awareness-raising activities for employees through training
  • Provision of SOGI information with training for all employees
  • Provision of LGBTQ+ basic training according to roles, etc.

Sony Group Portal | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | STATEMENT
※ Common to all of Sony Group

Relevant Information

Dec. 2023 Twenty Sony Group Companies Received Gold or Silver Certification in "PRIDE Index 2023" (Sony Group Portal)

Work-life Balance

With an eye toward promoting corporate growth, as well as developing workplace environments in which employees can feel job satisfaction and experience personal growth through their work, while also leading fulfilling lives, Sony Financial Group promotes productivity and efficiency improvement through the active promotion of workstyle reform.

1. Expanding flexible workstyles and vacation leaves, and promoting the acquisition of vacation leaves

Sony Financial Group has introduced flexible working hours whereby employees set their own start and finish times according to busy and slow times at work, and several Group companies have abolished core time (times of day when employees must be at work) and are actively promoting a flexible working style, according to their circumstances. We have expanded vacation leave programs by providing accumulated vacation leave and special vacation leave programs, in addition to an annual vacation leave program, and are encouraging the acquisition of annual vacation leave for a five-day continuous period.

Average no. of annual vacation leave days taken 11.2days
Average ratio of annual vacation leave days taken 64.9%

* Sony Financial Group Inc., its three main subsidiaries, and three nursing care business companies. For Sony Life, only head office employees are included.

2. Telecommuting and mobile work

Sony Financial Group is promoting the introduction and expansion of telecommuting and mobile work systems, and supporting all of its employees to secure the time to enrich their lives while improving their work productivity, by expanding the range of eligible employees, diversifying work locations, and facilitating more efficient allocation of time through flexible working hours.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we further our efforts to protect our employees and create a safe work environment, encouraging staggered work hours and paying allowance to help them establish a work environment at home.

Rate of absence 0.75%

* Sony Financial Group Inc., its three main subsidiaries, and three nursing care business companies. For Sony Life, only head office employees are included.

3. Initiatives for reducing overtime work

Sony Financial Group strives to ensure appropriate working times, initiating regular communication from human resources divisions to departments with high workloads, confirming appropriate numbers of employees and requesting reviews of work allocation.

Average monthly overtime per employee
FY2022 28.7 hours

* Sony Financial Group Inc., its three main subsidiaries, and three nursing care business companies. For Sony Life, only head office employees are included.

Internal Hotline System

If executives and employees of Sony Financial Group, as well as temporary employees and the employees of business partners, think that business policies, operating activities or other activities of the companies breach (or could breach) respective laws and regulations, they can report their concerns by choosing and notifying the appropriate hotline desk at Sony Financial Group Inc. or at any Sony Financial Group company or the Sony Group hotline desk.